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The Fine Anthology: Installment #2

Employ these fine-hair-focused style practices and you’ll be experiencing va-voom and VOLUME in no time!

Improve your hair by improving your wellness.

In our previous article we already established that we can’t alter follicle size. Fortunately we can stimulate follicles to promote growth, and also protect existing hair shafts by using intentional strategies.

If you haven't already figured out that you're fine, check out the first installment of the Fine Hair Anthology: How Can You Tell If You Have Fine Hair?.


All caught up? Great! Let’s move on to the fullness factors:

  • Fullness directly relates to the number of fine strands that you have.
  • Fullness also pertains to how long, healthy, and optimized each strand is.

Now the good news: there are lots of things you can do to increase overall thickness.

And even better? Heeding these fullness factors will have a positive ripple effect into your overall health.

Believe it or not, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and time spent outdoors are all aspects of fullness. Employ these 8 smart hair health practices and you’ll be experiencing vavoom and volume in no time!

No, that’s not bird seed. Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3s fatty acids, which are great for you and your hair.

#1 – Eat right

I’ve been asked “So what’s the story with nutrition and my hair?” Well, if you want a story, let me tell you one...

A hair shaft and a bodybuilder walk into a bar...

They order mixed nuts, lemon water, and Caesars – hold the vodka. These two are all about hydration, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Almost immediately they get distracted, and turn to watch some wicked moves happening on the dance floor.

Zinc is out there, burning it up.
Hair is totally checking Zinc out.

But that’s no surprise: everybody knows that Zinc and Hair are a perfect match. After all, when Hair is Zinc deficient, she’s prone to shedding.

(Okay, so that was cheesy.)

The point is, what you choose to consume has a big impact on your hair (not to mention your waistline).

So let’s crunch some celery sticks and ponder the nutritional requirements of our coiffures.


Your hair is made up primarily of protein.

When we eat lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, dairy, or any combination therein, our hair is happy.

See that pinball machine over in the dimly lit corner?... It lights up in pinball-gymnastics every time you hit 45 grams of daily protein.

So why not eat another brazil nut? Your hair will thank you.

Omega-3s for the win

While we’re talking about nutrition, keep in mind that omega-3s are super helpful to your hair.

There are plenty of articles online praising the benefits of omega-3s, so I will skip to the chase and let you know omega-3s are long chains of fats that you’ll find in some of the healthiest foods in the organic shops.

Stock your pantry and your plate with omega-3-rich foods like flaxseed oil, wild salmon, spinach, chia and hemp seeds, wild rice, and firm tofu and you’ll be further down the path to fine fine hair days.

Here’s a tip if you’re in Nanaimo, BC, aka the home of Mara Jade: Hit the docks for some salmon, and then stop in at Columbia Bakery for some flax bread. Lemme guess... no arm twisting required!

Lacing up your trainers and heading out for a brisk walk or a run helps promote positive feelings in you and your hair.

#2 – Work it

Exercise is pretty great for everything – including your hair ;-)

Moving your fine self is a great way to get blood pumping and circulating more quickly throughout your system.

This essentially means increased oxygen and nutrient delivery to your scalp, and therefore, to your follicles. This is good news for growth stimulation – not to mention your cardiovascular system, muscle tone, and blood sugar levels.

Exercise will also have positive secondary effects on your hair because it naturally increases the feel-good chemicals in the brain (sorry if I am getting too technical here).

But when we feel good, we are more likely to take better care of ourselves (I see you reaching for your wide toothed comb, and I’m nodding a heck-yeah!).

If you’ve ever gone through a low period in your life, you know what I’m talking about.

The first step away from lethargy is to get moving, even if it’s just a few steps at a time.

In times of trouble, my tri-pronged advice goes like this:

  1. Wade through empty take-out cartons
  2. Switch off the television set
  3. Grab your runners

Exercise gives us feel-good chemicals. Before you know it, your mood and motivation are improved. Yes, please!

Finding healthy outlets for the inevitable stress in our lives can help prevent trauma-induced hair loss.

#3 – Stop stressin’

Life happens.
Stress is our common denominator.
It’s a byproduct of living.

Encountering stress is like drinking the occasional fruit fly with your wine. Some things are inevitable, and difficult to separate. It’s not if you’ll down that fly, it’s when.

So we’re busy living, sipping on flies.

Makes sense that we’ll need to add in some meditation, yoga, or Will Ferrell movies from time to time.

Zen, breathe, laugh.

These are the remedies.

A client of mine went through a divorce. Shortly thereafter, much of her hair fell out – in literal handfuls. Her hair became so thin that in desperation she turned to a perm* for volume.

Sad story, right? But she wasn’t alone...

Poetic, tragic, or both: stylists are often witness to stressful events. And stressful events are a catalyst for shedding. It’s not just eyes that cry.

Hair tells a tale through post-traumatic regeneration, growing back at a rate of about 1/2-inch per month.

So if you have experienced a sudden hair loss due to a difficult situation, don’t worry.

The metaphorical forest always bounces back after a fire. And in many cases, it finds a state of unprecedented health!

*Seriously, if you are considering a perm... promise to try PLUMP first.

Get out there and experience the sunshine when it peeks out from behind the clouds.

#4 – Go play outside

This might be the funnest part of haircare.

Scoop up your baseball glove, pack up your paddleboard, bust out your rusted 10-speed, or borrow Aunt Amy’s tennis racket. And get playing.

Because Scalp + Sunshine = Follicle Stimulation

It’s that simple.

#5 – Hit the hay

If you followed #4, this should be easy after you’ve spent a playful day under the sun.

Cell regeneration happens when we climb into our nests and close our eyes. They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothin’.

So the next time your ambitious self tries to shortlist the sleep situation, step in on behalf of your hair and insist on a solid eight hours.

Bonus tip: entice yourself to bed with a silk pillowcase that is not only divine to sleep on, but also prevents breakage.

I know, I know. But don’t shoot the messenger, okay?

#6 – Turn. Down. The. Shower.

You might like it hot, but your hair does not.

There’s nothing like a nice steamy hydrotherapy interlude.

I get it.

I really want it.

But just so you know: your hair likes it lukewarm.

Find a compromise, won’t you?

#7 – Cover it up

Turns out pollution is bad for our scalps. Who knew?

If you're somewhere that is experiencing poor air quality, keep the pollutants at bay by shielding your hair with a hat or scarf.

It might mess up your styling, but it prevents your pores from clogging up with gunk.

Unclogged Pores Unite!

Add a water bottle to your grab-before-I-go list and keep yourself topped up with H2O.

#8 – Hydrate!

Ever been to an Irish pub? At the end of the night the doorman passes through, shouting “Drink up, lads!”

If your hair had a voice, it would shout a similar sentiment. The only difference is that your locks want more water and less Harp Lager.

All of our cells require water, and this includes our hair cells. Did I mention that 25% of hair strand composition is H2O-based?

But when you become dehydrated your body reserves fluids for vital organs – and hair cells get waitlisted.

Talk about getting left high and dry!

This in turn can stunt hair growth and negatively impact hair health. So keep water within reach and you’ll be doing yourself and your hair a major favour.

I can't tell you what’s the right amount of what to drink, as recommendations for water intake vary by individual. How much you exercise, environmental conditions, general health, and medical conditions play a role in consumption requirements. If you aren’t sure what's ideal for you, consult with your physician.

Next up: Styling Strategies

Check out our next installment of the Fine Anthology to learn styling strategies and tips on how to take optimal care of your fine hair.

Angie Gignac

Angie Gignac

Angie is Mara Jade’s bootstrapping-badass-babe founder, a master stylist with 20+ years experience, and founder/owner of the ever-booked Violet Hair Lounge in Nanaimo, BC.

(And her ponytail is as thick as a pinky finger.)

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